Monday, September 20, 2010

Bobbing in the Bumbo

Lately Alexa loves to sit upright so she able to look all around. She is quite a nosy baby and likes to be tuned into everything that is going on around her. She loves to sit in her Bumbo chair and look at Sofie the Giraffe. She is trying to grab things and gets very excited when she is successful. Here are a few of my favorite pictures of her listening to her daddy play music on the guitar. She likes to sit in the Bumbo and watch us eat dinner too. She does not like being put in her carseat when she is awake or just to sit and watch from there. I learned this really quick when we were out for dinner on Saturday night. Keith and I went downtown East Grand Rapids to grab and bite to eat and she needed to be held upright watching us eat the entire time. Oh yeah, and she peed through her outfit while we ate and got called a boy two times. I don't understand what is wrong with people- if you aren't sure about the gender of a baby then don't say it and don't ask! Try to gather some clues: look at the baby's outfit. As you can guess, it was a very romantic Saturday night date- those have been few lately. Keith and I talked on the way home over a crying baby about how things have changed since we had Alexa. Our nights revolve around bath time and putting little girl to bed...then going to sleep ourselves. Speaking of sleep, it would be nice to have her sleep through the night. Cutting a tooth and a cold = no sleep for mom or baby. Last night she was up about every two hours just wanting to be held. Around 4:30 I finally put her in her swing because I figured out she would sleep better in an upright position because her little chest is so congested. I feel terrible because there isn't much you can do to help. So I write this post with ample amounts of caffeine flowing through my body and a fussy, fussy baby. I added in a picture of Wilson too. He has had a rough few days too. He got stung by a bee on Saturday and has an ear infection. I feel like all I have been doing lately is medicating my "kids"!

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